A major part of creep investigations is performed under permanent sustained loads. Nevertheless, a considerable number of structures, in addition to permanent, are also exposed to variable load with significant intensity and duration (e.g. road and railway city bridges, parking garages, warehouses etc.). Therefore, tests including frequently repeating, but still long-term loads, are of practical interest. This project deals with a multi-scale experimental investigation of the concrete phenomenon to creep and to recover under time-varying load histories.
Journal papers
[1] Docevska, M.; Markovski, G.; Mark, P.: Experimental investigation on the reversibility of concrete creep under repeating loads, In: Materials & Structures 52:83, 2019, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-019-1384-3
[2] Docevska,M.; Markovski, G.; Mark, P.: Creeping effects of concrete under varying stress histories In: Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering 8(2), 2019, pp. 95-100. ISSN 1857-839X
Conference papers
[1] Docevska, M.; Markovski, G.; Mark, P.: Influence of load histories on long-term behavior of RC structure In Proc. of the 5. DAfStb-Jahrestagung mit 58. Forschungskolloquium, Bd. I, Kaiserslautern, 2017, S. 22-33. (ISBN 978-3-00-057267-8)
[2] Docevska, M.; Markovski, G.; Arangjelovski, T.; Nakov, D.; Mark, P.: Numerical procedure for long-term deflection prediction of RC elements subjected to different load histories, In: Natural Hazards and Structures, Proc. 17th MASE Int. Symp., ed. Cvetkovska, M., Macedonian Ass. Struct. Eng., 2017, pp. 668-678.